We are looking for a used piano. When searching in the classifieds, we often see “console” and we also see “spinet.” Is there a difference? If so, what is it?
This is a great question which has many people confused. From a visual point of view, a piano can be identified as a spinet if it is 40″ or less in height. The internal mechanism is also different. Consoles have a “direct blow” action, which means that the action sits on top of the keys. Spinets have an “indirect blow” action. the keys are short and are connected to rods which indirectly connect the key to the rest of the action. This latter type of action serves as compensation for the spinet’s small size.
Spinets are no longer manufactured. Generally speaking, consoles are preferred due to their type of action which is considered “normal” and their size difference, which is conducive to a more substantial sound. However, there are exceptions to this. For instance, Baldwin’s Acrosonic has a superior sound to many consoles that you will find and are still sought after.